The 24th IPPNW World Congress
The 24th IPPNW World Congress





<English Translation>

On the Occasion of Nihon Hidankyo's Nobel Peace Prize Award

The Japanese affiliate of IPPNW, or JPPNW, wholeheartedly congratulates Nihon Hidankyo on being awarded the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize for its tireless efforts to share the voices of atomic bomb survivors and advocate for nuclear disarmament. This prestigious award recognizes how the testimonies of survivors have contributed to establishing the "nuclear taboo" and have strengthened the global movement toward a world free of nuclear weapons.

Nearly 80 years after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the personal stories of survivors continue to highlight the inhumane nature of nuclear weapons. The catastrophic consequences of these weapons are not just a relic of the past but continue to pose a grave threat to global security. This award serves as a timely reminder of the importance of passing on the experiences of hibakusha and redoubling international efforts to achieve nuclear abolition.

We remain committed to working alongside Nihon Hidankyo in the ongoing fight for a nuclear-free world. We pledge to join forces with people around the world to ensure that a peaceful future free of nuclear weapons is passed on to the next generation.

October 29, 2024
Japanese Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War




世界医師会(WMA) は、1998年に「核兵器に関するWMA声明」を採択し、その後も2008年、2015年、2018年に修正を行っています。その声明でWMAは、医師の使命としてすべての国々に対して核兵器禁止条約に署名、批准ないし同意し忠実にそれを実行してゆくよう呼びかけています。そして核兵器禁止条約への参加と実施を含めて、核兵器の禁止と廃絶に直ちに取り組むよう各国政府に働きかけることを要請しています。











<English Translation>

Doctors in the atomic-bombed country strongly protest against countries and leaders who imply the use of nuclear weapons

Russian forces invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. At the very beginning of the invasion, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was captured by force. Political leaders not only in Russia but also in some other countries have implied the possible use of nuclear weapons.

Japanese physicians, who have/inherit the experience of the atomic bomb attacks in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in wartime, cannot tolerate the current situation.

In the Cold War period, when nuclear weapons could be used at any time, Dr. Evgueni Chazov (the director of the Moscow Cardiological Center) of the Former Soviet Union, together with Dr. Bernard Lown (Harvard University cardiology professor) in the United States established IPPNW. Soon after they passed away in 2021, the world is now confronted with this serious situation.

The "diplomacy" by means of war could lead to discontinuation or stagnation of radiation medicine and research on radiation exposure that is needed today.

We are deeply concerned that, even after the Cold War was over, we are still living in the period when nuclear weapons could be used at any time and the situation that nuclear weapons could be used tomorrow or the day after tomorrow is the reality. We strongly protest against those who have caused the current situation.

We call on doctors in each country to share this thought and work together. We urge politicians to promptly get this situation under control.

February 28, 2022
Japanese Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War

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